Thursday, 6 October 2016

Masters of their own destiny - Court upholds arbitration agreement between Woolworths and Lowe's

The recent decision of the Federal Court in WDR Delaware Corporation v Hydrox Holdings Pty Ltd1 affirms the courts’ willingness to uphold arbitration agreements, consistent with Australia’s international convention obligations, judicial recognition of the efficiency of arbitration, and Australia’s reputation as a sophisticated jurisdiction in which to conduct arbitration.

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Santos Ltd v Fluor Australia Pty Ltd [2016] QSC 129

Case note

In the recent Supreme Court of Queensland decision of Santos Ltd v Fluor Australia Pty Ltd [1], Justice Douglas endorsed the courts’ positive approach to giving effect to alternative dispute resolution (ADR) clauses even where one party seeks a litigated outcome.

In this case, Santos contracted Fluor to perform work on its GLNG Project near Gladstone.  Santos became concerned about the amount claimed by Fluor under the contract, which exceeded the budget estimate by over $1.85 billion.